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ARE IMMOBILIARE is a young REAL ESTATE AGENCY that launched its business in 2017. ARE IMMOBILIARE joined of the franchise SOLO AFFITTI; a national leader in the rental sector and a leading player in real estate. Our team of collaborators has many years of experience, since establishing the first real estate agent in Lanciano in 1974. The reliability, competence and timeliness of the professionals of the ARE IMMOBILIARE agency will accompany you step by step from the first contact to the contractual and notarial procedures until the end of service. The company places the utmost care and attention in the management and confidentiality of each individual customer. ARE IMMOBILIARE collaborates with Nasuti–Crognale Law firm. Founded in 2001, Nasuti–Crognale Law firm is a young, dynamic and professional law firm located in the heart of Lanciano. It provides judicial and ordinary legal assistance, in and out-of-court and assistance with contractual negotiations. The firm provides high quality legal services at low cost because of its small and efficient structure. It maintains personal contact with clients, and direct control of litigation and transactions. The firm represents Italian and Foreign Clients offering assistance throughout Italian territory. The firm has close contacts with many law firms in all of Italy. The lawyers speak fluent Italian and English. ARE IMMOBILIARE works in collaboration with English speaking real estate consultants, whose mission is to guide buyers from aboard through the entire buying process in English. Our native English speaking consultants, who reside in the Abruzzo, aim to provide accurate and up-to-date information, from the house viewing process to completion of purchase. Our English speaking team work together with ARE IMMOBILIARE to help manage the property search experience from the beginning to the end, whilst maintaining high levels of service, communication and customer satisfaction.

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