Rise in number of self employed foreigners in Spain

Rise in number of self employed foreigners in Spain

The number of foreigners living in Spain who are registered as self-employed has risen over the last year by 4.8%, reaching a total of 208,512, an increase of nearly 10,000 from 2010.

The findings, taken from a new report by The National Federation of Independent Workers Association (ATA), showed that the number of foreigners in Spain who are self employed has risen across all regions of the country, showing that foreign people settling into life in Spain are finding it easy to make a living in the country.

The sharpest increase was recorded in Melilla, with 13.8%, closely followed by Cantabria and Catalonia with 8.5% and 7.2% respectively. Three other regions also rose to above average rates, with the average being 4.8%. Castilla – La Mancha increased by 6.4%, Madrid 6.1% and the Basque Country by 6%.

The report concluded that British immigrants accounted for nearly 9% of all the self-employed foreigners living in Spain.

If you want advice about starting or moving a business to Spain then make sure to read our guide which covers topics such as how to get registered and the different structures of businesses. You can also watch videos from A Place in the Sun Live about buying and moving a business abroad and your legal position.

Read our guide to buying property in Spain or search for properties for sale in Spain.


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