December 2010

Calling all Bulgarian property owners

Foreigners who purchased land or a property in Bulgaria before 2008 are being urged to re-register their Bulgarian homes or face potentially losing their property.

1 December 2010

A Pharoah deal

Until now Egypt's offering of holiday homes has focused around its Red Sea beach resorts, but word in the souk is that Luxor, on the Nile, is becoming a bit of a hot spot too. We see how the two options compare...

1 December 2010

Spain rentals: Fact or Fiction?

The laws governing private rentals in Spain are a bit of a minefield. And be warned – if you let your property to holidaymakers without checking you're doing things by the book, you could land yourself a nasty fine...

1 December 2010

Meet the guesthouse owners

In February 2005 Gary and Sarah Williams left the UK and moved to a pretty mountain village in southern Spain, where they run a guesthouse for cyclists. Sarah tells us more.

1 December 2010

Getting down to business

Itching to move abroad but too young to retire? One way to earn a living in your new country could be to run a franchise business. Here we outline the pros and cons and pick four opportunities.

1 December 2010

I like to move it, move it!

Moving abroad brings with it the logistical challenge of packing, shipping and unpacking your belongings – or organising someone to do it for you. The process starts earlier than you might think, so we've constructed a timeline indicating the key stages along the way, and meet two families who have recently been through it all.

1 December 2010

Case study: Simon and Anna Davey

We talk to Simon and Anna Davey who moved to the Poitiers region of France in 2009

1 December 2010